Gloucester AFD 28th June 2025
What is the day all about?
Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets.
Why are celebrations like these important?
Showing support for the Armed Forces provides a much valued morale boost for the troops and their families. You can find out more about what they are doing at home and around the world by visiting the official sites of the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force.
The public show their support for the Armed Forces on Armed Forces Day, but did you know the Armed Forces Covenant outlines how the Government, businesses and communities support Armed Forces personnel past and present throughout the year?
Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets.
Why are celebrations like these important?
Showing support for the Armed Forces provides a much valued morale boost for the troops and their families. You can find out more about what they are doing at home and around the world by visiting the official sites of the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force.
The public show their support for the Armed Forces on Armed Forces Day, but did you know the Armed Forces Covenant outlines how the Government, businesses and communities support Armed Forces personnel past and present throughout the year?

What will be going on?
A PARADE - see route image below. Sealed Road Closure Order in Place, see bottom of page.
12:10. Parade participants arrive and form up, see Parade Admin. Please do not assemble before 12:00 as the Cathedral have an ordination beforehand.
12:20. Parade blessed by TBC
12:30. Parade starts from Gloucester Cathedral to the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum at Gloucester Docks - see route image below.
Featuring TBC Band to lead the parade
A PARADE - see route image below. Sealed Road Closure Order in Place, see bottom of page.
12:10. Parade participants arrive and form up, see Parade Admin. Please do not assemble before 12:00 as the Cathedral have an ordination beforehand.
12:20. Parade blessed by TBC
12:30. Parade starts from Gloucester Cathedral to the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum at Gloucester Docks - see route image below.
Featuring TBC Band to lead the parade
From 12:30 to 17:00 around the Victoria Basin
Come and meet our Forces, visit the stalls & displays!. Stalls will hopefully include the below:
ARRC Sp Bn, 6th Rifles, RNR, 160 Coy 101 REME Reserves, AFCO, Mil Vehicle - G-AMB - RA Radar Vehicle, Sea & Marine Cadets, County ACF, MPCT, Air cadets 181 Sqn, Police Cadets, RBL Glos City with Glos Poppy Appeal, SSAFA, WRAC , Forces Hub, Food - Lydbrook RBL, RBL Riders, Alabare, Grenadier Guards Assn, RAFA, Aden Veterans Association , Laguna's Spitfire Legacy, Gloucester Breakfast Club, SoGM, Angel Ices, Freemasons , RNLI, Fire service, Glos Carers Hub, Policing Team, Prospect Training Services , IMWC, Chelt & Glos Branch - The, Western Front Association, Mil vehicle - Scimitar, War Detectives, Mil vehicle ex-Singapore AF Defender, Five Rivers, Community Sports Foundation, 1980 FFR plus trailer, WW11 Jeep, Armed Forces T-shirt day 1st September , Blind Vets
From 12:30 to 17:00 around the Victoria Basin
Come and meet our Forces, visit the stalls & displays!. Stalls will hopefully include the below:
ARRC Sp Bn, 6th Rifles, RNR, 160 Coy 101 REME Reserves, AFCO, Mil Vehicle - G-AMB - RA Radar Vehicle, Sea & Marine Cadets, County ACF, MPCT, Air cadets 181 Sqn, Police Cadets, RBL Glos City with Glos Poppy Appeal, SSAFA, WRAC , Forces Hub, Food - Lydbrook RBL, RBL Riders, Alabare, Grenadier Guards Assn, RAFA, Aden Veterans Association , Laguna's Spitfire Legacy, Gloucester Breakfast Club, SoGM, Angel Ices, Freemasons , RNLI, Fire service, Glos Carers Hub, Policing Team, Prospect Training Services , IMWC, Chelt & Glos Branch - The, Western Front Association, Mil vehicle - Scimitar, War Detectives, Mil vehicle ex-Singapore AF Defender, Five Rivers, Community Sports Foundation, 1980 FFR plus trailer, WW11 Jeep, Armed Forces T-shirt day 1st September , Blind Vets
Consumption of Alcohol at Gloucester Docks
Consumption of alcohol is only permitted at the bar to the side of SOGM and its immediate surrounds on Back Badge Square. People are not permitted to wander the wider area with alcohol, if you see anyone doing it politely remind them. The Docks security team will be keeping a watch for people flouting the rules.
- 12:45-13:00. Parade arrives at the Docks
- 13:00-13:10. Civics AFD Flag Raising at the North Warehouse
- 13:10-13:30. Live music TBC
- 13:30-13:40. Welcome speeches from The Right Worshipful Mayor of Gloucester and COSARRC
- 13:45-14:30. Live music TBC
- 14:30-15:00. Live music TBC
- 15:00-16:00. Live music TBC
- 16:00-17:00. Live music TBC
Consumption of Alcohol at Gloucester Docks
Consumption of alcohol is only permitted at the bar to the side of SOGM and its immediate surrounds on Back Badge Square. People are not permitted to wander the wider area with alcohol, if you see anyone doing it politely remind them. The Docks security team will be keeping a watch for people flouting the rules.
Sponsor GAFD
This is a non-profit venture and funds must be raised to organise and manage the day to make it as relevant, suitable, safe and enjoyable as we can. We would be extremely grateful if you would consider sponsoring the event. Any amount you may be able to afford would be welcomed.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘GAFDCC’ (Gloucester Armed Forces Day Commemorative Committee). Please contact [email protected] for the address to send a cheque to.
Bank transfers should be made to Account Number 66475668 Sort Code 30-93-48. Please quote ‘GAFD’ when paying by bank transfer.
This is a non-profit venture and funds must be raised to organise and manage the day to make it as relevant, suitable, safe and enjoyable as we can. We would be extremely grateful if you would consider sponsoring the event. Any amount you may be able to afford would be welcomed.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘GAFDCC’ (Gloucester Armed Forces Day Commemorative Committee). Please contact [email protected] for the address to send a cheque to.
Bank transfers should be made to Account Number 66475668 Sort Code 30-93-48. Please quote ‘GAFD’ when paying by bank transfer.
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